Your Planning board provides an overview of all bookings for your team, when they are working and on what. It also allows to quickly see when a resource is available.

The selector at the right above the planning board allows you to choose one of the two planning modes offered by Teambook:

  1. the standard Users view, presenting users in sequence, and described in more detail below.
  2. the Grouped view, grouping users by project (and enabling the creation and visualization of project milestones)


In the left part of the screen you can sort the users, either alphabetically or, if you switch to the "my order" sorting mode (left sort icon), by simply dragging them as you wish. This "personal sort" can be recalled at any time using the "my order" sort icon.


To navigate within the Planning screen, you may use the arrows located next to the date picker, pick a specific date in the  date picker or, to come back to the current day, simply click Today. 


Mac users can also use their trackpad and all desktop users can use the arrow keys on their keyboard to navigate across time within the days and weeks views (out of performance considerations, the "months view" can only be navigated around using the arrows).


Some intuitive icons on the secondary menu help the planner focus on his/her tasks:

  • Team Selector: if your company uses multiple teams,  this selector allows you to switch to any other team
  • Revert Action: clicking this icon will revert the last performed action. You may click up to 3 time on the icon, so to reverse the 3 last actions
  • Copy Booking: activate this feature by clicking on the icon. You may choose then one or several bookings by marking them. Once done, position your mouse on the target date & users combination and click on "Finish". The booking(s) and all information will be automatically copied
  • Print option to print/pdf a monthly view of your planning
  • Global Visual settings ("eye icon") to choose your planner screen's settings:
    • Hide Week-end: ON means that booking are possible on the week-end days (these days are highlighted with a grey background); if OFF is set, it is NOT possible to create booking during the week-end days (but if a booking had been created, it will appear as a red exclamation point).
    • Disable Tool tip: ON means that a tool tip appears when you hoover over the booking (the tool tip shows the booking details like project long name, notes..)
    • Hide other users: when activated, the planner shows exclusively your own user
    • Cells Size: this parameter steers the size of the user's booking lines. While the larger setting allows to comfortably show the user's avatar and booking details, smaller settings will fit more users on the planner page
    • Planner Zoom: offers you a choice of 4 different view: hours, days, weeks and months, giving you thus a dynamic timeline with past, present and future bookings.