Teambook allows user to enter the time actually spent performing activities, so to enable activity tracking and potentially use this information for billing purposes.
To enter such time sheets, select the menu Actuals and choose the "manage log view" button on the top right. There you may change the visual settings to choose to log time on the week-ends or not and as well decide to go for a weekly or monthly view:
Note that when choosing the monthly view, the first days displayed may be from the previous month if the first week is overlapping over the two periods; the corresponding days are greyed-out.
On the top left, the curent period is displayed (and you may use the arrows to switch to another one); Next to this are the number of hours entered for the period displayed, the number of hours approved and finally the total available (based on your exact personal schedule).
You may enter each daily actual hours, either manually by clicking on +log time on any of the day and then filling in all details. Note that Teambook will help you by providing Suggested projects (based on the most recent ones):
Alternatively, you may pre-fill the actual times with the planning information (booking, duration, note) by using the Copy button. Then, you may edit any of the entries by selecting it and/or adding a new activity using the +logTime link.